Thousands of people in Washington are injured in automobile accidents each year. Many of these accidents involve serious injuries and death. When you or a family member is involved in an automobile accident, many important questions arise regarding what you should do to obtain a full recovery. Who pays for the medical bills? Who pays for the car repairs and rental expenses? Should I get a medical checkup after the accident? How do I know if the other driver has insurance or whether I have enough insurance?
Additionally, the exact cause of an auto accident is not always obvious. If you are a victim of a vehicle collision and make a claim for personal injuries with the insurance company for the other driver, be careful. Many insurance companies will argue and try and convince you that because the vehicles sustained little or no visible damage, then the vehicle’s occupants could not have been injured. While cars are designed to handle the low speed impact forces, the human body is not.
Serious injuries may result from what may appear to be a minor impact. Whether big or small, you deserve the best representation. I will be that representation for you.