A “wrongful death” claim may be brought any time a person’s death was due to another party’s negligence.
A claim for wrongful death can be filed against another individual, any government agency, school district, group or company. Wrongful death claims are complicated; however, when a loved one’s death is caused due to another’s negligence, the family has the right to be compensated for their loss. A claim for wrongful death may include compensation for the following:
1.Any and all medical expenses incurred;
2.Compensation for the loss of support and future income;
3.Reimbursement for any future services normally provided to you by the person who has died;
4.Reimbursement for loss of consortium, meaning a spouse or child’s right to the companionship, help and affection from the deceased; or
5.Punitive damages (if the negligence was found to be intentional or criminal).